How to Perform a Technical SEO Audit in 2024

Discover the essential steps to conduct a technical SEO audit in 2024.
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SEO is shifting fast, Google and other search engines are focusing more on user experience, fast loading times, and mobile optimization. Why does this matter? It means even if you’ve got great content, it’s not enough if your site’s technical setup isn’t solid. A slow or hard-to-navigate site can hurt your rankings and chase visitors away.


This guide on how to perform a technical SEO audit in 2024 will walk you through the most important areas to focus on, from ensuring your site is mobile-friendly to mastering Core Web Vitals. Whether you’re running a B&B in Galway or a trendy boutique in Dublin, this guide will help you fine-tune your website’s performance, improve its crawlability, and ensure that you’re delivering the best possible experience to both users and search engines.

Before diving into the technical aspects, take a moment to review your business goals. Write down what you want to achieve with your website. More local customers? Online sales? Brand awareness? This step is crucial because different technical SEO strategies align with different business objectives:

  • If you want more local customers, you’ll focus on mobile optimization and local SEO schemas (more about our local seo services in Dublin).
  • For increasing online sales, you’ll prioritise page speed and e-commerce structured data.
  • To boost brand awareness, you’ll emphasise content-related technical SEO like XML sitemaps and internal linking.

By clarifying your goals now, you’ll be able to prioritise the technical SEO tactics that will have the biggest impact on your specific business objectives. This targeted approach ensures you’re not just implementing technical SEO blindly, but strategically improving your website in ways that directly contribute to your business growth.

Table of Contents

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO involves optimising your website’s infrastructure so that search engines can easily crawl, understand, and index your pages. It’s about making your site more accessible and user-friendly, which in turn helps search engines rank your content higher.

Unlike on-page SEO, which focuses on content and keyword optimization, technical SEO deals with the backend of your website. It ensures that your site meets the technical requirements of modern search engines with the goal of improving organic rankings. Think of it as fine-tuning your website’s engine to run more efficiently in the vast landscape of the internet.

Learn more here: The Ultimate Guide to Technical SEO in 2024

Free Technical SEO Audit

Don’t waste any more time, claim your free Technical SEO Audit now! Discover issues and actionable steps to boost your rankings immediately.

1. Core Web Vitals

Google’s Core Web Vitals have become increasingly important in recent years. These metrics assess how users experience your website in terms of loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability.

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): This measures how quickly the main content of your page loads. The aim is to have the LCP occur within 2.5 seconds of when the page starts loading.
  • First Input Delay (FID): This measures how quickly your site responds to user interactions. You should aim for an FID of less than 100 milliseconds.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): This measures how much your page’s layout shifts as it loads. A CLS score under 0.1 ensures a smooth experience for your users.

Improving these metrics not only boosts your search rankings but also ensures a better user experience. For instance, if you run a restaurant in Cork, a fast-loading menu page with a stable layout is more likely to keep potential diners engaged, increasing the chances of a reservation.

Action Step: Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool ( to check your website’s Core Web Vitals. Enter your URL to get a report with suggestions for improvement, and focus on the “Opportunities” and “Diagnostics” sections for actionable steps.

2. Mobile-First Indexing

Google now prioritises the mobile version of your site for ranking. This means your website not only needs to look good but also function smoothly on smaller screens, ensuring a seamless user experience.

To achieve this, make sure your site is responsive, so it automatically adjusts to fit different screen sizes. It’s a good idea to test it on various devices to confirm that everything works as it should. After all, many tourists searching for local businesses on their phones while exploring Ireland will expect your site to be easy to navigate.

Action Step: Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test ( to see if your site is mobile-friendly. If it isn’t, consider updating your website theme to a responsive design or consult with a web developer to make the necessary improvements.

3. Page Speed

Both users and search engines prefer websites that load quickly. A slow site can frustrate visitors and hurt your rankings, so improving speed is essential. Here are a few simple ways to boost your site’s performance:

  • Compress images without losing quality
  • Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML to reduce file sizes
  • Use browser caching to store some data on visitors’ devices
  • Implement lazy loading so images load only when they’re about to be viewed

A faster website not only ranks higher but also provides a better user experience. If you’re selling traditional Irish crafts online, for example, a speedy site can lower cart abandonment rates and boost your sales.

Action Step: If you’re using WordPress, install a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache. For other platforms, speak with your web host about enabling server-side caching. Also, use a tool like TinyPNG ( to compress images before uploading them to your site.

Free Technical SEO Audit

Now that you know the basics, don’t waste any more time. Get your free Technical SEO Audit and discover issues along with our expert actionable steps to boost your rankings right away!

Learn more about our technical seo services.

4. HTTPS: Securing Your Site

Having a secure website is non-negotiable in 2024. HTTPS encryption not only protects your visitors’ data but also helps build trust with your audience. On top of that, Google rewards secure sites with a ranking boost, making it a key factor for SEO.

To ensure your site is secure, make sure you have an SSL certificate and that all pages are served over HTTPS. This is especially important if you’re handling sensitive information, such as guesthouse bookings or processing payments for your products.

Action Step: To check if your site is already using HTTPS, look for the padlock icon in the browser’s address bar. If it’s not there, reach out to your web hosting provider to install an SSL certificate. Many hosts offer free certificates through Let’s Encrypt, so it’s worth checking with them.

5. Structured Data

Structured data, also known as schema markup, acts like a dictionary for search engines, helping them better understand your content. This extra layer of information can boost your chances of appearing in rich results on search engine results pages (SERPs).

For instance, if you run a bakery in Kilkenny, using the right structured data could make your recipes show up in Google’s recipe carousels, complete with images and ratings. This enhanced visibility can help drive more traffic to your website and bring in more customers.

Action Step: Use Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper ( to create structured data for your site. Start with simple details like your business name, address, and phone number (NAP data). If you’re comfortable working with code, you can add it directly to your site, or you can ask your web developer for assistance.

6. Compile Your Audit Findings

Once you’ve completed all the previous steps, it’s time to bring everything together into a comprehensive audit report. This final step is essential as it turns your raw data into actionable insights. Create a document or spreadsheet to compile your findings:

  1. Executive Summary:
    • Start with a brief overview of your site’s overall SEO health.
    • Highlight 3-5 key findings or most critical issues.
  2. Audit Breakdown:
    • Create a section for each area you’ve audited (indexing, Core Web Vitals, mobile-friendliness, etc.).
    • For each section:
      • Summarise the current status (e.g., “4 out of 10 pages not indexed,” “Core Web Vitals below threshold on mobile”).
      • List specific issues identified.
      • Provide recommendations for improvement.
  3. Prioritised Action Plan:
    • Create a table with columns for:
      • Issue (e.g., “Slow loading time on product pages”)
      • Impact (High/Medium/Low)
      • Effort required to fix (High/Medium/Low)
      • Recommended action (e.g., “Compress product images”)
    • Sort this table by impact first, then by effort (focus on high-impact, low-effort items initially).
  4. Benchmarks and Goals:
    • Note your current metrics for key areas (e.g., average page load time, mobile usability score).
    • Set realistic targets for improvement in each area.

Remember, this audit report isn’t just for you. If you’re working with a web developer or SEO consultant, this document will be invaluable in guiding their work. Even if you’re handling everything yourself, having a clear, organised record of your site’s SEO status and planned improvements will keep you on track.

Pro Tip: Don’t just focus on the negatives. Highlight areas where your site is performing well too. This can help you understand your strengths and apply successful strategies to other areas of your site.

As we move through 2024, technical SEO continues to be a vital part of online success for small businesses in Ireland. By concentrating on these key areas, you can boost your website’s performance, enhance the user experience, and increase your visibility in search results.

One final tip from us, your seo experts in Dublin: set a recurring reminder in your calendar to review your SEO efforts every quarter. Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to monitor your progress and spot opportunities for improvement. It’s also worth joining local business groups or online forums to share experiences and learn from other Irish business owners about their SEO successes and challenges.

Free Technical SEO Audit

Now that you know the basics, don’t waste any more time. Get your free Technical SEO Audit and discover issues along with our expert actionable steps to boost your rankings right away!

Learn more about our technical seo services.

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