How to perform an SEO content audit

Without SEO, your beautifully crafted website might as well be invisible to potential customers.
map lying wooden table

If you’re a small business owner in Ireland, you know how tough it can be to stand out online. Good SEO can be the difference between your website being a bustling shop on Grafton Street or a hidden gem down a quiet laneway. Consider this: a recent study by AIB showed that 70% of Irish consumers research products online before making a purchase, and 53% of all web traffic comes from organic search. For small businesses, this means that if you’re not visible in search results, you could be missing out on more than half of your potential customers.

Moreover, with the rise of mobile usage in Ireland – now accounting for 60% of all web traffic – local SEO has become crucial. In fact, “near me” searches have grown by 200% in the past two years, presenting a golden opportunity for small, local businesses to attract nearby customers.

You might think, “I’ve built a website, isn’t that enough?” Unfortunately, it’s not. Without SEO, your beautifully crafted website might as well be invisible to potential customers.

Table of Contents

What Is an SEO Content Audit?

An SEO content audit is like a health check-up for your website. It helps you understand what’s working, what’s not, and how to improve your online presence. This guide will walk you through the process, step by step, helping you navigate the complexities of SEO and stand out in Ireland’s digital marketplace.

Whether you’re a café in Cork, a boutique in Galway, or a tech startup in Dublin’s Silicon Docks, mastering SEO can help you reach more customers and grow your business. Let’s dive in and discover how you can make your website work harder for you in 2024 and beyond.

Performing Your Own SEO Content Audit

Yes, you can perform an SEO content audit yourself!

Before you start, you’ll need some tools:

  • Google Analytics: This gives you insights into your website traffic.
  • Google Search Console: This shows you how Google sees your site.
  • Screaming Frog: A tool that crawls your website to find SEO issues.

While these tools are free and user-friendly, interpreting the data they provide can be complex. This is where a digital marketing agency can be invaluable, offering expert insights and saving you time.

How to Perform an SEO Content Audit

1. Analyse your current website structure

If your website is hard for humans to navigate, it’s probably confusing for search engines too. This can hurt your rankings and frustrate potential customers. Here’s what to look for:

  • Is your homepage clearly linked to all major sections?
  • Can visitors reach any page within three clicks from the homepage?
  • Do you have a logical hierarchy? For example, ‘Services’ > ‘Web Design’ > ‘E-commerce Solutions’
  • Is your navigation menu clear and consistent across all pages?

Use a tool like Screaming Frog to crawl your site and visualise its structure, then draw a simple diagram of your site structure. Check that no important page is more than three clicks from your homepage!

Remember that a well-structured site not only helps visitors find what they need but also helps search engines understand and rank your content better. If your site’s a bit of a maze, consider simplifying it.

Here are 5 simple ways create and optimize your XML sitemap

2. Review your content inventory

Now, let’s take stock of what you’ve got. This is like doing an inventory check in your shop. Here’s how to do it:

  • Make a list of all your web pages and blog posts.
  • Use Google Analytics to see which pages get the most traffic.
  • Check which pages have the highest bounce rates (where visitors leave quickly).
  • Identify pages that aren’t getting much traffic at all.

You can export a list of all your URLs from Google Search Console, then use Google Analytics to identify your top 10 performing pages and your bottom 10 (check the word count and publish date of each page). This review will show you what’s working well and what’s not (perhaps that blog post from 2018 isn’t pulling its weight anymore). Use this information to decide what content to keep, update, or remove.

More content writing tips for 2024!

3. Assess on-page SEO elements

On-page SEO elements are like signs in your shop window. They need to be clear and appealing to bring people in. Here’s what to check:

  • Titles: Are they descriptive and under 60 characters?
  • Meta descriptions: Do they summarise the page content in 155-160 characters?
  • Headers (H1, H2, etc.): Do they use relevant keywords and structure your content logically?
  • Image alt text: Have you described your images for those who can’t see them?

Install a free plugin like Yoast SEO to check your titles and meta descriptions, and ensure each page has a unique title and meta description. Practical tip: Include your primary keyword in your title, preferably near the beginning. For a Cork accountant, a good title might be: “Cork Accountant: Expert Tax Services for Small Businesses”.

As an Irish business, local SEO is your secret weapon. Neglecting it means losing out to competitors who are targeting local searches, discover our local SEO services.

Need Help with Technical SEO?

Try our Free Technical SEO Checker Tool now and get detailed insights to boost your website’s visibility.

4. Evaluate content quality and relevance

Your content is the heart of your website. It needs to be fresh, useful, and answer your customers’ questions. Ask yourself:

  • Is the information up-to-date and accurate?
  • Does it provide value to your visitors?
  • Does it answer common questions your customers have?
  • Is it easy to read and free of errors?

Look for opportunities to expand or update the content. Start by reading your top 5 and bottom 5 performing pages and check if the information is still accurate and relevant.

Use Google’s “People Also Ask” feature to find related questions your content could answer. If you’re a Galway plumber, you might find questions like “How often should I service my boiler?” – great topics for your content!

5. Check for technical SEO issues

Technical SEO is like the plumbing in your shop: when it’s working well, no one notices., but when it’s not, it can cause big problems. Look out for:

  • Slow loading times: Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights to check.
  • Broken links: Use a tool like Broken Link Checker to find and fix broken links.
  • Duplicate content: Search engines don’t know which version to rank.
  • Mobile responsiveness: Your site should look good on all devices.

Ensure all pages have proper canonical tags to avoid duplicate content issues.

Always compress images before uploading them to your site; use tools like TinyPNG to reduce file size without noticeably affecting quality, helping your pages load faster.

Here’s a free technical SEO complete guide to help you start the right way!

6. Analyse Backlink Profile

What are backlinks? Backlinks are like recommendations from other businesses. The more quality recommendations you have, the more trustworthy you appear. Here’s what to do:

  • Use tools like Ahrefs or Moz to check your backlinks.
  • Look for links from reputable, relevant websites.
  • Identify and disavow any spammy or low-quality links.
  • Find opportunities for new, high-quality backlinks.

Practical tip: Reach out to local business associations or chambers of commerce. Getting listed on their websites can provide valuable, relevant backlinks (how to get backlinks?). Remember, it’s quality over quantity when it comes to link building!

7. Review Mobile-Friendliness

With more than half of web traffic coming from mobile devices in Ireland, your site must work well on smartphones. Check that:

  • Text is readable without zooming.
  • Content fits the screen without horizontal scrolling.
  • Buttons and links are easy to tap.
  • Pages load quickly on mobile networks.

Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test on your top 5 pages and check your site on various devices (smartphone, tablet, desktop), ensuring all buttons and links are easily tappable on mobile!

If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, consider using a responsive WordPress theme or hiring a local web designer to update your site instantly!

Creating an Action Plan

After your audit, you’ll likely have a list of issues to address. Don’t panic! Prioritise your tasks based on their potential impact and how easy they are to fix. Set a calendar of realistic goals and timelines for making improvements.

Working with a Digital Marketing Agency

Doing SEO yourself can work, but hiring a digital marketing agency has clear benefits. Here’s why:

  1. You save time. You run your business; they handle your SEO.
  2. You get better results, faster. Yes, there’s a cost, but it often leads to more revenue quickly.
  3. You get a plan that fits your business. After your audit, they’ll create a strategy just for you.
  4. You get ongoing support. SEO isn’t a one-time job. Agencies keep watching and tweaking to keep your site performing well.

In short, an agency turns SEO from a headache into a tool that helps your business grow. Give it a try with a free consultation with us!

At FirstPage Digital, we help our clients achieve their digital marketing goals and make a meaningful impact in their industry. Learn more about our digital marketing agency in Dublin!

Need Expert Help?

At FirstPage Digital, we specialize in helping businesses like yours improve their online presence. Our team of SEO experts can handle everything from creating your XML sitemap to developing a comprehensive SEO strategy tailored to your business needs.

Learn more about our SEO Services in Dublin

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